Finland – Life assurance premium payments in kind – is transfer tax due?

However, special care should be taken to analyse the tax impact of the premium payment. First, a premium payment in kind is regarded as a disposal for Finnish income tax purposes. This means that the payment triggers taxation for a tax-resident policyholder transferring securities under the policy. Capital gains are taxed at 30%, and for […]


Employee full inclusion

  Innovation is clearly written into the genes of OneLife. Since its rebranding in 2016, this life-assurance specialist has repeatedly performed digital feats to contribute genuine added value to its partners and its staff in-house. After launching a number of digital initiatives, particularly a mobile application in October 2016, and entering into partnership with a […]


Why did the Minister Nicolas Schmit conclude OneLife’s Digital Days ?

  On Thursday 15 June, at 6pm, OneLife had the honour to welcome Nicolas Schmit who delivered a speech to conclude OneLife’s Digital Days. The Minister emphasised by his presence and his words, the importance of the project initiated by OneLife within a global project of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.  The objective […]
