Part 1: The personal situation of clients as the cornerstone of the wealth planning solution for Belgium
May 19, 2023
Wealth planning is understood as organising and planning the transfer of a given asset, while trying to optimise the taxation applicable at each stage of this process. Life assurance undoubtedly has a major advantage in one of the stages of any wealth planning, namely the pure and simple holding of movable assets invested in a […]
The Beckham law in Spain
April 6, 2023
The Spanish impatriate tax regime (also known as the Beckham Law) offers an advantageous tax treatment to non- residents who move to Spain for professional reasons, as the individuals benefiting from such tax regime may continue to pay taxes as a (deemed) non-tax resident in Spain in the year when they move to Spain and […]
Spanish “Solidarity Tax”
February 27, 2023
In the last quarter of 2022, the Spanish Central Government introduced the so-called Solidarity tax, which “mirrors” in essence the long-standing Wealth tax. Under this new tax, it has been decided that no regional tax credits or exemptions would apply, which implies that, for example, residents in Madrid or Andalucía may be severely impacted. Indeed, […]