#Success in #Investments

Think you know everything there is to know about life assurance?  Think again!  Life assurance is a great succession planning solution and is flexible enough to be portable across borders.  But that’s not all.  A OneLife assurance policy also offers the opportunity to build your personalised investment plan.  It can cover investments into traditional assets […]


VAT New features and key points

Whenever people speak to you about VAT, perhaps you find the topic daunting, and wish to change the subject to something more congenial. You are right – in some respects, yet mistaken in others! Like life assurance, VAT is seen as a complex subject that the layman has great difficulty in grasping. We are dimly […]


Unit-linked life assurance contracts and non-traditional assets

Did you know that Luxembourg unit-linked life assurance policies give access to a world of investment opportunities?  Which means that you can create your own personalised investment plan based on both Traditional and Non-Traditional Assets.  From UCITS funds, through alternative investments to Private Equity, Real Estate and Securitisation.  Non-Traditional assets allow you to diversify your […]
