Low interest rates

In his valedictory speech, former European Central Bank president Mario Draghi painted a gloomy picture of the eurozone economy and warned that the ECB would be bound to low interest rates for the foreseeable future. He noted that the latest economic data has confirmed the central bank’s assessment of protracted weakness in the euro area’s […]


Reassuring the insured

Life assurance is the bedrock of any person’s financial plan, ensuring that assets are safeguarded and family members protected. Luxembourg’s ‘Triangle of Security’ system is designed as a gold standard for investor protection, and part of the country’s broader ‘protection for all’ principle. The legal framework of Luxembourg’s life insurance sector incorporates three key elements: […]


Life assurance: your estate management toolkit – Episode 3

Covered in Circular 15/3 of the Commissariat aux Assurances, dedicated shared funds known as ‘umbrella’ funds enable multiple subscribers to participate in a dedicated joint fund. But what is so special about it that merits an article from us? The principle means that an assurance contract may sustain multiple dedicated funds, collective internal funds and […]
