As you would expect, HNW investors feel that the advisor is the linchpin of a great transaction experience. In fact, the top three factors that are most important to them when making a trade all relate to their human contact point.

The main desire of wealthy investors is to have an advisor who really understands their evolving lives and financial needs. This customer focus is the most critical part of their relationship experience.


PICS-2015.12.15 - DNA EU Investors - 5 - Establishing a relationship

Source: The Futurewealth Report; Scorpio Partnership, NPG Wealth Management and SEI


HNW Europeans expect their wealth managers to continue to be truly client focused as their relationship evolves. To them, a great experience means working with a provider who has the ability to learn, unlearn and relearn as their lives and goals evolve.

But this is certainly not a one-sided tuition. In turn, the global elite are committed to high levels of communication and engagement on the subject of wealth. To enhance their long-term interaction, they crave information about money and how it should be managed.