Even at a young age, we are consistently told how inappropriate it is to ask adults how much money they make. And as we grow older, the social rules and norms quickly settle in and it becomes commonplace to shy away from any conversation regarding income, expenditures and wealth.

We became curious – why is it that there is so much taboo around the topic of wealth? What are the roots of these feelings of discomfort?

As a result, we decided to poll 600 HNWIs to find the answer.

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Our findings indicated that very often, the avoidance of this topic stems from wealth creators’ perceptions of a change in attitude from those around them once wealth levels have been revealed.

Ultimately this leads to HNWs feeling vulnerable about people taking advantage of their socially-minded nature.

22% of our respondents stated that this was the most frequent reaction in discussing wealth with others. Interested in learning more about why wealth is a taboo subject?


Keep your eyes peeled for the release of our latest thought leadership report!