Developing a trusted relationship requires time, commitment and a deeper understanding about the experiences of wealthy investors.

Overall, 89% of European HNWs said that they trusted their wealth management firm. 37% strongly agreed that they had trust in their primary wealth manager, a further 37% agreed and 15% agreed slightly, suggesting that, for the main part, wealth managers doing enough to inspire the confidence of their wealthiest clients.

PICS-2015.12.19 - DNA EU Investors - 9 - Inspiring trust

Source: The Futurewealth Report; Scorpio Partnership, NPG Wealth Management and SEI


We also asked HNW clients to think about the wealth personality of their main wealth manager and explain the key reasons why they have faith in the firm.

Their responses were split across four key elements, of which reputation emerged as the strongest driver. Reputation is the cornerstone of trust for a third of HNWI, whilst almost as many say that constantly delivering great service is what’s most important.